My name is Jeff Wilcox, and I am a commercial mortgage banker, entrepreneur, investor and commercial real estate enthusiast.  I have built buildings, placed mortgages and sold buildings in my short career... but all of that is looking backwards.  I am really interested in always looking forward.  The world is changing, and whether we like it or not, that will impact the way that the commercial real estate industry does business.  This blog is dedicated to reading between the lines and discovering where change is happening and where it will happen next...

The picture above is a random large picture of my face placed here so if you ever see me on the street and want to talk about this blog, you can.  I am always in the mood to talk so long as it is after 7AM on any given day, and I have had my morning cup of tea.  Never mess with a man who has not had their morning cup of tea.  

My professional bio and full contact information can be found at: ​